HollyGL has tagged me for a second Thinking Bloggers Award along with a Schmoozer award.
I had to look it up at Wikipedia! ( Schmooze: to converse informally, make small talk or chat).
Thanks HollyGL! I don't know what to say. Just that it's all you people out there bring out the schmoozer in me! I thank you all!!!!
Without further ado, I will pass both these honours to some people who make my hobby of blogging a pleasure. People whose posts are a pleasure to read:
Here are the rules:
1. If, and only if, you get the Thinking Blogger Award or The Power of Schmooze Award, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think, or have scmoozed you into submission.
2. Link to this post and Mike so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).
A sincere thank you to all of you guys!
Thank you...it doesn't matter that I was nominated twice...hey, the more the merrier is what I say. I thank you for your compliments though ! I will write that on my blog!!! (In fact I would've done the same, had you not already been nominated...!) Guess we all hang out at the same pub....
Thank you SO much Epi! I'm glad you find my posts a pleasure to read. Unlike jyankee, these are my first awards ever, so I appreciate your nominations even more! I hope I can continue to write thoughtful and engaging blog entries (and schmooze enough to get people to read them). I will add the links and awards when I post this evening.
It seems we do jyankee! Next round of drinks is on me!
Domo Arigato! ;)
Wolfgang, you are trully worth your awards! Your posts are always touching and the quotes you use are very educating! If only I could command the English language with such an effect! The pleasure is all mine!!
Hey Wolfgang.
This IS my first award ever....just HAPPENED to get double-nominated by Blur Ting & Epi at the same time!!! Aren't I a lucky girl!
Congratulations and I'm glad you are a schmoozer otherwise I would never had the opportunity to meet you and your blog!!!
Congratulations Epi - well deserved on both counts :)
Congrats Epi! I love the schmooze award - it certainly fits. Yep, well deserved on both counts, like loz says. :-)
rm, loz, michelle, I appreciate your kind words, but really it's your blogs that make me think and want to respond! (appart from showing me the proper use of English in writing) Thank you all!
Congrats, Epi!! That's awesome. And thanks so much for tagging me :) I've never been nominated before...
rp-you are most welcome!"Parakalo" :)
Epi, am I to tag 5 blogs now? Or do i do it if I win the award? I think I am either a: missing something or more likely b: overthinking it.
rp, you HAVE won the awards and can proudly display them on your site! :)
As for the multiple choice, the answer is c: both of the above! ;)
:) thanks, Epi!! I shall post forthwith
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